RoastIQ Controller
The Roast IQ Controller is a proprietary unit made in Melbourne by Signal Audio Pty Ltd. The controller features an on board webserver and circuitry to measure 2 or 3 thermocouples - depending on the version and read/write to two 4-20mA or 0-10VDC inputs/outputs.
- Compatible with B,E,J,K,N,R,S and T Type Thermocouples
- Compatible with all 4-20 mA or 0-10VDC actuators including Kromm Schroeder, Nenutec & Belimo
There are currently four versions RCI1, RCI2 (RCI2 Loring) and RCI3. All four are supported by the software and and have built in diagnostics.
The Roast IQ Controller should be mounted on the roaster or near the roaster and connected to the Roaster Thermocouples (the best practice is to have dual thermocouples - or if not available to install additional thermocouples for the Controller).
The Roast IQ controller has an IP address and sits on the local network. You will need to make sure it has an IP Address assigned to it that is able to be read by the device you are using Roast IQ on.
As an example - you may have a network IP configuration of -> In this case you would need to set your Roast IQ Controller to have an IP Address within that range - for example
The Roast IQ Controller runs it's own built in webserver which responds to requests from your device. In order for the device to be able to communicate with the controller - several settings need to be configured.
1. Chrome Web Browser: